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Midpoint of April

apr tdpt map

So far, April has been warmer than normal across the region.

The first half of April has been warmer than normal for the entire Northeast, with average temperatures ranging from near normal in portions of New England to more than 6°F above normal in parts of Pennsylvania and southern Delaware. All 35 major climate sites ranked this first half of April among their top 20 warmest.

apr temp chart

At the major climate sites, April 1-15 average temperatures ranged from 2.5°F above normal in Providence, RI to 6.7°F above normal at Washington National, DC.

apr pdpt map

A large portion of the region has been wetter than normal so far this April.

During the first half of April, precipitation has ranged from less than 75% of normal in parts of Maine and the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia to more than 200% percent of normal in portions of upstate New York, eastern Vermont, eastern Massachusetts and eastern Pennsylvania, with precipitation for most areas near to above normal. Of the 21 wetter-than-normal major climate sites, 10 ranked this April 1-15 period among their top 20 wettest. The precipitation has helped abnormally dry and drought conditions continue to improve.

apr precip chart

April 1-15 precipitation at the major climate sites ranged from 46% of normal in Pittsburgh, PA to 190% of normal in Rochester, NY and Burlington, VT.

apr sdpt map

Much of the Northeast received near- to below-normal snowfall from April 1-15, with portions of northern New England and northeastern New York being the main exceptions.

Even though precipitation has generally been above normal, warmer-than-normal temperatures meant most precipitation fell as rain. Snowfall during the first half of April has ranged from 4 inches below normal to more than 6 inches above normal. The largest deficits were found in northern Maine and east of Lake Ontario in New York, while the largest surpluses were found in southern Maine, much of New Hampshire, and parts of eastern Vermont. Of the 35 major climate sites, 28 sites received below-normal snowfall, two received normal snowfall, and five received above-normal snowfall.

apr snow chart

April 1-15 snowfall at the major climate sites ranged from 3.7 inches below normal in Caribou, ME to 5.7 inches above normal in Portland, ME.