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RCC 40th Anniversary Logo

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Impacts and Assessments

Northeast US

National Climate Assessment 2018, Northeast Region
National Climate Assessment 2014, Northeast Region
Climate of the Northeast US
NCEI State Climate Summaries - Connecticut
NCEI State Climate Summaries - Delaware
NCEI State Climate Summaries - Massachusetts
NCEI State Climate Summaries - Maryland
NCEI State Climate Summaries - Maine
NCEI State Climate Summaries - New Hampshire
NCEI State Climate Summaries - New Jersey
NCEI State Climate Summaries - Pennsylvania
NCEI State Climate Summaries - Rhode Island
NCEI State Climate Summaries - Vermont
NCEI State Climate Summaries - West Virginia

New York

NCEI State Climate Summaries - New York
Responding to Climate Change in New York State (ClimAID) Synthesis Report
Responding to Climate Change in New York State (ClimAID) Full Report
Cornell Climate Change Facts • New York's Changing Climate

United States

National Climate Assessment
US Global Change Research Program

Sector Impacts


National Climate Assessment • Agriculture
Climate Indicators for Agriculture
Cornell Climate Change Facts • Farming Success in an Uncertain Climate
Cornell Climate Change Facts • Farm Energy, Carbon, and Greenhouse Gases
ClimAID • Chapter 7

Coastal Zones

ClimAID • Chapter 5


National Climate Assessment • Ecosystems
Tree and Bird Atlases
ClimAID • Chapter 6


National Climate Assessment • Energy Supply & Use
ClimAID • Chapter 8

Public Health

National Climate Assessment • Human Health
Climate and Health Assessment
Climate and Health
ClimAID • Chapter 11


ClimAID • Chapter 10


National Cimate Assessment • Transportation
Transportation and Climate Change
ClimAID • Chapter 9

Water Resources

National Climate Assessment • Water Resources
ClimAID • Chapter 4

Climate Change Basics

Cornell Climate Change • Research, Education, and Public Engagement Resources
Cornell Climate Change Facts • The Earth's Changing Climate